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83 post(s) in Townsville photographer

Deacon family – the 11th year

I look forward to this shoot all year! For the 11th consecutive year, we are very grateful to have the opportunity to document the Deacon Family. There were big changes for this lovely family in 2017 with Huon moving to WA. The natural progression of a growing family - they move out! We missed Huon at the shoot. He is usually teasing ...

professional headshot Townsville

Putting a face to a name on your website and in your marketing or advertising can make all the difference to building relationships with your clients, colleagues and the public. Because most of our clients first meet us online having a professional headshot is key. These shots needed to be friendly but also professional.  These headshots were taken for 31 Sturt ...

the gift of gratitude this christmas

Over the years, when I deliver people their photos I often ask them how the images make them feel. The most common answer - GRATEFUL! Having photos taken to document the relationships that are special to you is an act of gratitude. It's taking a moment to look at and reflect on what is most important in your life - the people ...

bushland beach family photos

One of my favorite ages to document a child at would be between 1 and 2. Not babies anymore but also not children yet, these walking chubby little ones captivate me. I was very happy when Majella called me to make a time to update her family photos again especially considering the twins are at this beautiful stage. It's also wonderful ...

Marley, Teegan and Sean’s family photos

'Life at this moment is too beautiful not to be captured' This is why Teegan contacted me to plan a shoot. She felt gratitude for where she was and wanted to document her beautiful life. In the future, I hope these images act as a time machine taking her back to when her little boy was 7 months old. I hope she remembers how ...

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