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124 post(s) in family photographer

The Dare Family – family photos townsville

One year on and a lot has changed for the Dare family. (see last years shoot here) That adorable little baby has grown a ridiculously cute curly, crazy haired toddler. Carter is a little dude! Chippy (fur child) still seems miffed as to why everyone thinks Carter is so wonderful.  This in itself is hilarious. We ran with a bit of a 'Sullivans' ...

the McArthur family

It's often difficult to get the family together so when it happens it's great to document it. Even though this is not the entire McArthur family, it's everyone from their 2016 Christmas. I love watching cousins interact with each other, grandparents dote over their grandchildren and grown siblings enjoy their nieces and nephews. Families can be complex (well at least mine is) ...

Team Thompson – a surprise photoshoot

I can finally share images from this shoot which has been top secret business for a few months. Eloise, Callie, Courtney, and Riley surprised their parents for Christmas this year by having sibling photos taken. The shoot was themed around their childhood (They played UNO often) and was shot in Brisbane, where their parents met many years ago. The jacarandas even ...

Deacon Family 2016

Honey first photographed the Deacon family in 2006. Every year, without fail, Carolyn would call in November/December and book in to update their family photos. When Honey moved away the honor was passed onto me. For the last 10 years, we have watched them grow and change. In the beginning, they didn't have any pets and now it's a wonderful ...

family of 4 – documentary style pregnancy photos

Natural, documentary style photos - this was how Jaimee wanted to capture the final weeks of being pregnant with her third child. My place was the perfect location offering light-filled rooms that are simply decorated in neutral tones. I asked Jaimee to bring along a piece of artwork and a few small photos of the girls to give the background of our ...

Suz’s little family

It's been 12 months since I last photographed Isla Mary and this time we wanted to document their family. Behind Suz and Terry's house is an awesome laneway. It's got great light, Isla Mary is comfortable there because it's almost home and its easy access made it easy to bring Olli the beagle along - Perfect location! Isla is almost 2, ...

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