Christmas family photos

Apart from all the crazy advertising thrown at me, I always know Christmas is coming when the red Poinciana trees are in full bloom and mangoes are a part of my daily diet.
Coleen came into our studio with a great idea to do a Christmas shoot under a red Poinciana tree… and for some crazy reason in the same week I also had another client suggest the same thing! I drove around for days looking for the ‘perfect’ red tree, but Coleen managed to find it for me.
We had the perfect tree and the rain held off just for long enough to get some great shots.
While we were in the middle of the shoot a lady come out from her house and she realised she knew Coleen. Out of all the streets and all the houses in Townsville, incredible! The lady brought out a photo of her standing in front of tree which was taken about 30 years ago. It was awesome to see the history of the tree and hear the story of the house and family that live there.


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