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121 post(s) in Kids Photos

The Kelly Family

It was so lovely to shoot the Kelly Family! Jillian and Sean have three beautiful kids - Reece, Eva and little Jace. Insight Creative shot both Reece and Eva when they were 2 years old, so this time it was Jace's turn. He is such a happy and active little boy! I had so much fun playing and chasing him ...

Violet is 4

My youngest daughter Violet recently turned 4 and we celebrated with her friends in our backyard with a Butterfly Birthday party.  I baked for a week in preperation and think my sugar levels are still a little high from the party.  We booked flutterby's to come by to keep the children busy.  Natalie brought caterpillars, told butterfly stories and then ...

4 little angels

It was a magical afternoon at the town common for the wilson kids photo shoot.  We have loved watching this beautiful family grow and did a shoot for them for the first time when their first born was only a baby.  The shoot was a whole lot of fun as some of the kids have very cheeky but sweet personalties. ...

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