Mothers Day – Portrait series

Mothers Day is coming soon… and to celebrate we have decided to photograph a few people we know.
Part 1
Meet Teegan (Verve Design), her Mum and Grandy.
“My Mum and Grandy are everything you could ever want, they are supportive, encouraging and generous. I have a great love, affection and admiration for my Mother and my Grandy. We’re a very close family, who share everything with each other, I’ve never been shy to talk to my Mum or Grandy about things. I’ve grown up with my Grandy always close by, she is very generous and selfless of her time and affection to her children and grandchildren. She always makes me smile and is never short of a laugh. My Mum has given me so much encouragement, support and love in my life, I can tell my mum anything, she is my best friend, my inspiration, my support system. Without her – I wouldn’t be me. I hope I can be half the mum she is when I’m ready to be a mum.
Our ‘special’ time together happens on most Friday afternoon’s at Grandy’s house, where she hosts drinks for the whole family. When I tell friends this, they don’t believe that I have a grandmother who is the host of a Friday night party, but Grandy has had tonnes of experience working as a publican in many of Townsville’s well known pubs in her lifetime. My Mum brings the wine, Grandy makes snacks of cheese and dips and drinks her VB, my poppa brews beer…. and my brothers, cousins, aunty and uncle all join in too. It’s a chance to talk about our busy week, joke about silly things and reminisce about old times together. I love Friday night drinks at grans, I try to go as often as I can because it’s a precious night with everyone together.”
A huge Thank You to the Nash family for sharing your story, laughter and yummy food xx
Honey 🙂

Part 2
Meet Kym from Townsville Flower Market and her mum…
“Being an only child I have been lucky enough to be spoiled, not with material possessions, but with love.
My Mum is the eldest of three girls, she married a serviceman and was posted away from her close knit family to live in Brisbane in the early 60’s. Today we have social media and mobile phones to stay in constant contact, back then it was a hand written letter posted off and hopefully in 2 weeks time your much awaited reply would be in the letter box.
Dad was sent to Vietnam when I was 3 years old so there was just the two of us for 18 months, we moved back to Adelaide to live with my Nan and Pop. In this period of time we sealed our special bond. Mum has the patience of a saint, something I wish I had inherited!  I am grateful to have been taught those basic skills that Mothers pass on to their daughters – how to sew, knit, crochet and cook (which I hate to admit is my least favourite).
Mum has always been there for me, to give me the advice she would hope I would take, or pick up the pieces and dry the tears. My Mum is always my Mum, but really she is my best friend too.
We are in the process of renovating, four years on the garden is looking amazing mainly established from clippings from Mum which come with lots of love and advice on when to prune and fertilise! We all have such busy lives these days, so our ‘special time’ involves shopping, heading to Day Dawn nursery or dinner at home with a bottle of wine!”
Thanks for a beautiful afternoon ladies 🙂

Part 3
Meet Jane, her mum and daughter…
“My daughter Tinsley is my world. There was a stage in my life where I thought I wasn’t going to be able to have kids so to look at this perfect little girl and to hear the sound of her calling me “mama” is pure joy for me. I can never have enough of her. Although she looks exactly like her father, her personality and characteristics are more like my own and we have so much fun together ganging up against her daddy. We love doing the girly things together, like going for late night babycinos when the football is on, or going shopping or baking cupcakes together. She definitely gets too spoilt, I definitely talk about her way too much to anyone who will listen, and I am definitely the proudest “mama”!
I always say there is a reason I only live five minutes from my parent’s house. I don’t know what I would ever do without them. My mum has a way of just making me feel safe, and making me feel like everything is going to be ok. She gives the best cuddles, the most sensible advice (which her four daughters didn’t always listen too but probably should have) and is one of the dorkiest people I know (in a good way!). I love how she can laugh at herself, she doesn’t take things too seriously and she puts the most effort into the things and people she cares about. She is my greatest role model when it comes to being a mum and a wife.
Our idea of ‘special time’ together is often spent at home, because to be honest, my parents are home bodies. So most of our time spent together is in their beautiful backyard. Tinsley loves having swims (which is then always followed by having an iceblock), playing with the hose, playing with her cousins, getting her toenails painted or even just helping nana to hang the washing up. And when Tinsley isn’t demanding our attention mum and I can sit for hours talking about anything and everything. There is nothing I can’t tell her. I have lost count of how many fun family BBQ’s we have had in this backyard.”
Amazing afternoon Jane, thank you… my toenails are still painted in bright mismatching colours!!
Honey x


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