Giggle, giggle

Our whole studio had the pleasure of meeting with Katrina and her two gorgeous kids. Megan spoke to her during the design session, Honey and Liz photographed her family and Suz made all these appointments happen. This dynamic of working as a team is the best part of working at Insight Creative. We all have different and similar strengths and every day we get to share these with our clients and the reward is massive.
The shoot was so much fun, Katrina’s two kids Chelsea and Jeremy laughed and giggled almost the whole shoot…. Liz and I had trouble keeping it together to actually take photos. The relationship Katrina has with her children is just beautiful… lots of cuddles, hugs and kisses.
When Katrina came in last week to pick up her canvas wall print, she was smiling from ear to ear and and by the time she left Suz and I were feeling bright and happy from such a wonderful client experience.
Thank you Katrina, Chelsea and Jeremy…
Honey, Liz, Suz & Megan 🙂

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