Friendships with little people

From the moment these two girls came into our studio we were friends. I was so taken with how open they were with me. They were calling me by my name in the sweetest little voice and looking up at me with their big eyes.
We planned a family shoot at Pallarenda and when the day came it was clear skies and still water. We ran around on the beach, collected shells and felt the cold water on our feet.
My favourite part was right towards the end when Liliah had been asking to play with me and I finally said ‘ok, I promise I will put my camera away and play’… for those of you that know me, it is pretty hard for me to ever put my camera down! I am so glad I did, as I got to sit with the two girls and make sandcastles while the sun set and the sky turned to a beautiful shade of pink.
Definitely a moment to feel grateful for what a cool job I have. Thanks Karina, Brendan, Liliah, Madisyn & Harry.
Honey 🙂

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